Building Toward a Brighter Future

The Crawford: 20/20 Vision plan set the tone for The Partnership. It helped to establish its structure and set its priorities for the previous decade. The 2030 update will honor the work of the Vision Committee and all of the partners, stakeholders, investors, and community leaders who have collaborated and contributed to the success of the Partnership to date. Community, economic, and workforce development focus areas included in the Crawford: 20/20 Vision plan have been affirmed through community conversations as the highest ongoing priorities for The Partnership. These are the priorities upon which the 2030 update is built. However, as the needs and priorities of the community have evolved, some of the areas of focus from the Crawford: 20/20 Vision plan (Drug Abuse Prevention and Educational Attainment) are no longer included as top-level focus areas in the 2030 update. While these areas are still integral to the success and the wellbeing of the community, other initiatives and organizations in Crawford County have emerged to lead the ongoing work in these areas.

Crawford 2030 Vision Plan One Page Summary

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To listen, learn, and lead efforts to enhance the livelihood of families and businesses in Crawford County.


Crawford County will become a sustainable place in which individuals and families seek to live and work, businesses succeed, and public and private sector organizations collaborate effectively to meet the needs of citizens


Community Focused | Collaborative | Passionate | Proactive | Intentional